Official Section Short Films Hecho en Castilla la Mancha Tomorrow I’ll Be Back it was August 14th Awards: Best short film: Made In Castilla La Mancha
Official Section Short Films Hecho en Castilla la Mancha There Is Still Dust Under The Congo it was August 14th
Official Section Short Films Hecho en Castilla la Mancha My Life At The Beginning it was August 14th
Official Section Short Films Hecho en Castilla la Mancha Legacy it was August 14th Awards: Best short film: Castilla La Mancha Vaciada
Official Section Short Films Documentary Kambana it was August 15th Awards: Best short film: Documental
Official Section Short Films Documentary Health Sinks At The Southern Border it was August 15th Awards: Best short film audience award: Documental
Official Section Feature films Do It For Me it was August 16th Awards: Best actress: Zoe Pérez, Best film audience award
Official Section Short Films Hiparquía Tula it was August 17th Awards: Best short film: Hiparquía, Best short film audience award: Hiparquia
Official Section Feature films Last Train To Rock ‘n Roll it was August 18th Awards: Best national production: Laia Parral Manjón
Official Section Short Films Animation Zombie Meteor it was August 11th Awards: Best short film: Animation, Best short film audience award: Animation
Official Section Short Films Hecho en Castilla la Mancha The Ramp it was August 12th Awards: Best short film: Made In Castilla La Mancha
Official Section Short Films Hecho en Castilla la Mancha The Pileup it was August 12th Awards: Best short film audience award: Made In Castilla La Mancha
Official Section Short Films Hecho en Castilla la Mancha Depression In A Minor it was August 12th
Official Section Feature films Abismo it was August 13th Awards: Best film, Best director: Rafa Belmont Casado, Best Actor: Raul De La Cruz, Best supporting actress: Anabel Riquelme
Official Section Short Films La España Vaciada The Olive Lands it was August 13th Awards: Best short film: La España Vaciada, Best short film audience award: La España Vaciada