

Juan lives alone in the fields, his life is monotonous, he only works his land, there are hardly any incentives in a life practically in solitude, until he decides to adopt “duna” an abandoned dog.

Director: Antonio Galarzo
Producer/Production company: Antonio Galarzo Azeramy Films - Sergio Minuesa
Script: Antonio Galarzo
Interpreters: Fran Carrasco
Sound: Tony Cardosa
Photography: Chevy Ojanco
Editing: Antonio Galarzo
Duration: 15 minutes
Content Rating: 7+
Idiom: Español
Gender: Drama, Otro
Thematic: Alcohol, Animales, Campo, Naturaleza, Salud Mental, Soledad
Country: España
Date of production: 2022-09-17
Distributor: Azeramy Films - Antonio Galarzo