
The echo of a distant shot stops his scurrying. Curiosity pulls him to where it was fired and he finds an inert man lying at the feet of a child. It all feels so familiar. . . He tries to help the child so he can, in a certain way, help himself. Remembering is not an easy thing to do. The chill of a shotgun barrel at the back of his neck snaps him out of his thoughts. Bang! he keeps running away f...

Director: Markel Goikoetxea Markaida
Producer/Production company: Susana Albalat Peraita
Duration: 8 minutes
Idiom: Español
Gender: Crimen, Drama, Horror, Otro, Psicológico, Ciencia Ficción, Thriller
Thematic: Muerte, Salud, Salud Mental, Violencia
Country: España
Date of production: 2020-07-11