it’s Movement

It’s Movement

What is art? how is the artistic process lived? what is the true dimension of creation? cristina garcía rodero, leading exponent of documentary photography, and her niece patricia gimeno, dancer and choreographer, come together to answer these questions, or perhaps to generate others? a reflexion on the need to move in order to survive and to create.

Director: Javier Duch
Producer/Production company: Javier Duch
Script: Javier Duch
Interpreters: Cristina García Rodero, Patricia Gimeno
Editing: Ignacio Sánchez De Bustamante
Editing: Ignacio Sánchez De Bustamante
Voice-over: Cristina García Rodero, Patricia Gimeno
Duration: 14 minutes
Content Rating: TP
Idiom: Español
Gender: Documental
Thematic: Aventuras / Deporte, Tema Social
Country: España
Date of production: 30/04/2023

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