gray Clouds Blow Over The Green Field

Gray Clouds Blow Over The Green Field

Manuel, a devoted 75-year-old father, is suffering from terminal cancer. The old man fears that his son simon, a young man with cerebral paralysis, will be abandoned after his death. Manuel tries everything he can to find someone to take care of his son, but it is the unexpected arrival of a fugitive who offers him a very different option to the one he had considered to solve his conflict. Manuel ...

Director: Carlos Roberto López Parra
Producer/Production company: Alexandra Yepes Borrero Angélica Morales Mora
Script: Carlos Roberto López Parra
Interpreters: Germán Betancourt, Jonatan Camero, Eddy Rivera, Irene Arias, Manuel Antonio Gómez Gutiérrez
Sound Montage: Miguel Vargas
Music: Iván Meluk
Photography: Camilo Gil
Editing: Gabriel Baudet
Art direction: Alejandra Álvarez Bernal, Nazly Rodríguez
Duration: 111 minutes
Content Rating: 7+
Idiom: Español
Gender: Ficción
Thematic: Discapacidad / Enfermedad
Country: Colombia
Date of production: 09/10/2022

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