fat Alien

Fat Alien

Irene and ana meet up every day to exercise. But today ana is fed up with exercise and diet: social pressure, social stares and criticism for being fat have been presented to her in front of the mirror. Elena only sees a body and she insists that her friend see it with her own eyes, being fat is not a bad thing. Today, finally, ana has decided to stand up to everything that made her feel underval...

Director: Mar Martínez García
Producer/Production company: Mar Martínez García
Script: Mar Martínez García
Interpreters: María Córdoba, Sonia Díaz
Sound: Marta Martínez Matute
Sound Montage: Álvaro Ortiz
Editing: Marta Moraga
Editing: Marta Moraga
Duration: 8 minutes
Content Rating: TP
Idiom: Español
Gender: Ficción
Thematic: Drama, Comedia, Lgbt, Dirigido Por Mujer, Tema Social
Country: España
Date of production: 11/03/2023

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