pandemic Xxi

Pandemic Xxi

Work filmed in herbers that focuses on how society changed as a result of the black death, cholera, typhus or the so-called spanish flu with a prospect towards the future that imagines an urban exodus and a society that returns to the towns as a consequence of the coronavirus.

Director: Ibán Asensio
Producer/Production company: Héctor Martín
Interpreters: Daniel Palllarés, José Segura
Sound: Héctor Martín
Sound Montage: Héctor Martín
Costume: Ibán Asensio
Photography: Héctor Martín
Editing: Héctor Martín
Animation: Héctor Martín
Voice-over: Pablo Leganés
Art direction: Héctor Martín
Special effects: Héctor Martín
Duration: 0:12:00 minutes
Idiom: Spanish
Gender: Documentary Film
Country: Spain
Date of production: 2020-11-30

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