the Lady Upstairs

The Lady Upstairs

Leonor is a very active woman despite her seventy years. The serious illness, which she suffers from, has not stopped her. She lives in a building sold to a vulture fund and fights for her only three neighbors, older than her. Pepe arrives at the building, after a marital and business failure. At fifty, he is lost. Fortunately, an old friend gives him the opportunity to live, for a while, in his m...

Director: Jorge S. Pallás
Producer/Production company: Ana A. Leyva Pilar Ruiz Moreno
Script: José Luis Feito
Interpreters: Leonor Luisa Ezquerra, Vicenç Miralles, Yolanda Boyano
Sound: José Luis Toral
Sound Montage: Daniel Peña
Music: Zeltia Montes
Photography: Javier De La Iglesia
Editing: Javier Martín
Art direction: Jorge Montalbán
Duration: 80 minutes
Content Rating: TP
Idiom: Español
Gender: Ficción
Thematic: Drama, Discapacidad / Enfermedad
Country: España
Date of production: 30/11/2022

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