embracing The Stars

Embracing The Stars

Javier garcía pajares is known for being the first deaf-blind student to enjoy an erasmus scholarship. Thanks to this, he began to become an example of self-improvement and a reference in the field of disability. Not satisfied with this, years later he launched into the adventure of achieving the challenge of reaching increasingly demanding mountain peaks and experiencing new adventure sports at ...

Director: Christopher Sánchez, Mario Cervantes
Producer/Production company: Christopher Sánchez, Mario Cervantes
Duration: 9 minutes
Idiom: Español
Gender: Aventura, Biopic, Deportes, Derechos Humanos, Wildlife Movie
Thematic: Ambiental, Asuntos Sociales, Campo, Deportes, Discapacidad, Ecologia, Juventud, Naturaleza, Solidaridad
Country: España
Date of production: 2020-07-31
Distributor: Line Up Shorts - Film Distribution - Alfonso Díaz
Website: http://www.lineupshorts.com/abrazar-las-estrellas