carolina En El Tejado

Carolina En El Tejado

On national day in a small village, a crowd is gathered in front of the mayor's house. Caroline, whom no one seems to know, is sitting on the roof of the house. She says nothing, despite the insistence of the crowd, the mayor and his wife who try to understand the reason of her gesture. When she finally decides to speak, the young woman delivers a speech and protest that has the effect of a bomb. ...

Director: Alejandro Bordier
Producer/Production company: Jesus Gonzalez Elvira
Interpreters: Eugénie Anselin, Valérie Bodson, Joël Delsaut
Photography: Serge Benassutti
Editing: Pia Dumont
Duration: 15 minutes
Content Rating: TP
Idiom: Francés
Gender: Comedia, Drama
Thematic: Campo, Humor, Salud Mental, Soledad, Suicidio, Surrealista
Country: Luxemburgo
Date of production: 2022-03-01