Tout Se Mérite

Tout Se Mérite

Stéphane, 50, loses his job. Desperate to get a new job, he makes up a plan with his wife fiona to take down his rival. Their bad luck and clumsiness won't make it easy. .

Director: Pierre Amstutz Roch
Producer/Production company: Olivier Berlemont
Script: Pierre Amstutz Roch
Sound: Dolby Digital
Sound Montage: Etienne Curchod
Music: Maxime Hervé
Photography: Pierre Amstutz Roch
Editing: Denis Camelin
Art direction: Clémence Hamel
Duration: 15 minutes
Idiom: Francés
Gender: Ficción
Thematic: Acción, Comedia, Social
Country: Francia
Date of production: 2019
Distributor: Olivier Berlmeont

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