the Ix International Film Festival Of Calzada De Calatrava Closes An Ix Edition Committed To The Emergence Of Young Creators

The Ix International Film Festival Of Calzada De Calatrava Closes An Ix Edition Committed To The Emergence Of Young Creators

The Rafael Serrano Cultural Center hosted an emotional and successful closing gala with the presentation of many awards and a tribute to the award-winning director Luis Galán.

Calzada de Calatrava, August 21. The Calzada de Calatrava International Film Festival closes its ninth edition with a unanimous support to the Castilian-La Mancha creators. An edition characterized by a great participation and that ended with a closing gala held at the Rafael Serrano Cultural Center on Saturday afternoon.

The event was conducted by Cia. Circo Culipardo where humor was served to its attendees, most of whom have been able to enjoy and appreciate the films screened in Calzada de Calatrava for more than two weeks and that as explained José Antonio Valencia, director of the festival have had a “great participation”. Valencia also repaired the importance of the festival to provide an “opportunity to exhibit their works” to creators in a “commitment to young and emerging talent”. For her part, the mayor of the town, Gema García Ríos took advantage of her presence at the gala to thank the presence of spectators and onlookers who visit the festival where “works from the other side of the Atlantic are clear protagonists”.

In addition, the delegate of Equality of the Junta de Comunidades, Manoli Nieto, showed the support of the regional government to continue making this type of cultural events that are of great importance, thanks to its role in giving visibility to women and their “participation in the world of cinema”.

In a small tribute to silent films, attendees enjoyed live music accompanied by Chaplin’s scenes, leaving a space for humor and fun. The bulk of the event was for the presentation of awards to actors, actresses, directors and directors, who screened their creations in this ninth edition. In the feminist line of the festival, the short film “Tula”, a work scripted and directed by the young Beatriz de Silva, stood out with two awards for Best Short Film in the “Hiparquia” Section given by the jury and the audience, in addition to being recognized by the New Directors Platform. Among the names of the best actors of this edition, two headed a list of nominees that finally left the Almodóvar statuette to Zoe Pérez for “Hazlo por mi” as Best Actress and Miguel Ángel Puro, as Best Actor for “A diente de perro”. Together with his team, Vicente Rodado received the award for best supporting actor along with several awards for the production directed by José Luis Estañ, who also had the honor of being recognized as best director.

In the section dedicated to the seventh art with a La Mancha trademark, Hugo de la Riva stood out with the short film “Mañana volveré”, and in the national context, the humor of “El último tren al rock’n roll” was recognized as best feature film. There was also room to award the municipality’s catering establishments in the “Al Modo-Bar” tapas contest. A recognition that this year left its golden brooch to the Bar-Restaurant San Isidro and a second place for the Bar “La Piscina”.

With a participation of more than 300 works and a tribute to the work of documentary director Luis Galán, the IX International Film Festival of Calzada de Calatrava closed its doors leaving a good taste in the mouth of hundreds of attendees, who look forward to a next edition and continue enjoying the seventh art, one more year, in a town that is of cinema.

The Calzada de Calatrava International Film Festival is fully committed to young creators and there is no doubt that without the submission of nominations by the filmmakers, it would not be possible nor would it make sense to celebrate the festival in Calzada de Calatrava. This event, which next year will reach its tenth edition, values the work of new producers, who do not stop working so that, both in commercial theaters and in festivals such as Calzada de Calatrava, the public can enjoy the film industry. That is why the Calzada de Calatrava International Film Festival will not fail to make visible the new filmmakers who, despite everything they have had to endure after the outbreak of the pandemic, have not stopped bringing us other realities and extraordinary audiovisual content. This also means that there is a great future in the world of cinema. Long live the film industry.

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