the Ix International Film Festival Of Calzada De Calatrava Turns To The Third World

The Ix International Film Festival Of Calzada De Calatrava Turns To The Third World

The Patio San Francisco of the town hosts this Thursday a solidarity event to raise funds for the project ‘Solman, extending solidarity’.



Calzada de Calatrava, August 10. The ninth edition of the International Film Festival of Calzada de Calatrava celebrates this Thursday a solidarity event to raise funds for the project ‘Solman, extending solidarity’. The activity will take place from ten o’clock at night and the main objective of the celebration is to help as much as possible to vulnerable groups and families in northern Togo. Each person can participate with at least one food kit valued at 15 euros. This contribution will allow a family of four to five members to have basic food for at least three weeks.

The solidarity event will begin with a presentation of the association Solidaridad Manchega con el Tercer Mundo by its president Gustavo Adolfo González. Afterwards, the film ‘Mediterranean’ by Marcel Barrena will be screened, with actors such as Eduard Fernández and Dani Rovira, among others. The proceeds from the tickets of this screening will go entirely to help families in northern Togo.

In this way, the Calzada de Calatrava International Film Festival celebrates once again a charity event, as it has been doing edition after edition in order to give visibility to different causes and to contribute its grain of sand to help the most disadvantaged. This is one of the hallmarks of this festival, in addition to educating in values through the seventh art.



The association Solidaridad Manchega con los Pueblos del Tercer Mundo (Solman) started its activity in December 1994 and its main task is to make known the reality of the most disadvantaged countries through awareness-raising activities or education for development. In this ninth edition of the International Film Festival of Calzada de Calatrava could not miss the participation of Solman and there is no doubt that the fans of the seventh art that pass through the Patio San Francisco will contribute to the cause.

The councilman of Culture of Calzada de Calatrava and the director of the Calzada de Calatrava International Film Festival, José Antonio Valencia, explains that “it is necessary to collaborate in any solidarity initiative to help those who need it most”. And from the festival “we can not pass up the opportunity to return to perform a solidarity activity to raise funds”. That is why the director of the festival calzadeño encourages all visitors and local residents “to participate in this necessary cause”.

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