

In this short documentary film we want to bring closer the life story of benita navacerrada, daughter of facundo navacerrada perdiguero, founder of the ugt in san sebastián de los reyes in 1936, shot on the walls of the colmenar viejo cemetery on may 24, 1939, cemetery parish where currently the second phase of the exhumations of the graves of victims of franco's repression has begun, this being ...

Director: Richard Zubelzu, Magda Calabrese
Producer/Production company: Magda Calabrese
Duration: 15 minutes
Content Rating: 12+
Gender: Belica, Crimen, Derechos Humanos, Drama, Melodrama
Thematic: Arqueología, Asuntos Sociales, Desigualdades, Política, Violencia
Country: España
Date of production: 2023-10-06