reflections In A Room

Reflections In A Room

Berta, a mature woman from the upper class, has been hiring the services of alberto, a professional escort, for some time. One day, alberto can't make it, so he sends another escort, hugo, a much younger and inexperienced guy from his neighborhood. Berta distrusts hugo and insists him to leave, but hugo wants to finish the job because he needs the money. From this point, berta and hugo embark on a...

Director: Ceres Machado
Producer/Production company: Ceres Machado, Dylan Moreno, Víctor Báez Sibila Vision Films - Ceres Machado, Marila Films S.l. - Dylan Moreno, La Canica Films S.l. - Víctor Báez
Script: Salva Martos Cortés
Interpreters: Adriana Ozores, Alejandro Vergara, David Tortosa
Sound: Antonio S. Peñalba
Music: Pablo Trujillo
Photography: Javier Salmones
Editing: Irene Blecua
Duration: 71 minutes
Content Rating: 12+
Gender: Ópera Prima, Drama
Thematic: Asuntos Sociales, Equidad De Género, Homosexualidad, Mujer, Sexualidad
Country: España
Date of production: 2023-11-01