on The Other Side Of The Garden

On The Other Side Of The Garden

Carlos, a 40-year-old writer, poet and professor, who wakes up from a strange dream disoriented and handcuffed to a hospital stretcher, trying to free himself from the handcuffs that tie him to the bars. He's trying to remember what he's doing there when a police officer and a woman enter the room. The latter begins to read her evaluation, “aggravated homicide. Consequence: transfer to jail”,...

Director: Daniel Posada
Producer/Production company: Oriol Uria, Valentina Acosta, Albert Uría, Daniel Posada Infinito Studios - Vanesa Viñaras, Calité Films - Valentina Acosta, Turner Latam - Mariana Sanjurjo
Interpreters: Juana Acosta, Julián Román, Christian Tappan, Victoria Hernández, Yuri Vargas, Nelson Camayo, Laura Osma, Erik Rodriguez, Juan Sebastián Calero, Julián Zuluaga, Luis Fernando Hoyos, Marianela González, Ángelo Lucco, William Orrego, Johana Robledo, Ernesto Benjumea, David Noreña, Mauricio Goyeneche, Wilmer Cadavid, Martina Toro
Duration: 117 minutes
Content Rating: 16+
Gender: Ópera Prima, Derechos Humanos, Drama
Thematic: Asuntos Sociales, Enfermedad, Homosexualidad, Muerte, Romance, Salud Mental, Suicidio, Vejez
Country: España - Colombia
Date of production: 2023-11-22