the Beautiful Exhibition Of The Neighbours Of The Calle General Aguilera

The Beautiful Exhibition Of The Neighbours Of The Calle General Aguilera

The exhibition stages with different scenes a journey through the long career of the filmmaker from Calzado, who has even sent an emotional video to the authors as an act of gratitude

Calzada de Calatrava, 17 August 2024. The Calzada de Calatrava International Film Festival (8-17 August) is experiencing an unforgettable eleventh edition with a very outstanding participation of the local associative fabric. And one of these marvellous contributions is the exhibition that has been put together with great affection, dedication and tenacity by a group of residents of Calle General Aguilera to praise and recognise the professional career of Pedro Almodóvar, specifically through his famous films.

The exhibition, which is open because it has taken place in the street itself, specifically on balconies, asphalt and pavements, is delighting locals and tourists alike. Even Pedro Almodóvar himself has sent an emotional video as an act of gratitude, in which he acknowledges that he and his brothers are “very moved” by this recreation. The filmmaker from Calzado is grateful to the residents of the municipality, who are precisely those who have seen him grow up and have lived with his relatives, as the exhibition is being held in the same street where the Almodóvar family residence is located. He also has words of thanks for the mayoress, Gema García, and the town in general, stressing that this love of cinema should be carried out in many more towns.

The exhibition features artfully decorated chairs, famous quotes on the tarmac, posters hanging from balconies and even a photocall for visitors to immortalise their time at the exhibition. In this recreation, mention is made of ‘Tacones lejanos’, ‘Dolor y gloria’, ‘Al borde de un ataque de nervios’ or ‘Todo sobre mi madre’, among other films that have made Pedro Almodóvar one of the most important film directors in the world.

The mayoress of Calzada de Calatrava and director of the XI International Film Festival of Calzada de Calatrava, Gema García, has praised the “wonderful initiative that the neighbours of the town have put together to mount a unique and beautiful exhibition, which is captivating both neighbours and visitors”. She also thanked them for “their willingness and the work they have carried out with great affection and dedication”. In this sense, Gema García stressed that for the festival “it is very important that our people, the neighbours, are involved and can form part of the programme and its development”.

For his part, the technical director of the XI International Film Festival of Calzada de Calatrava, Hernán Valdés, stressed that the exhibition “is very much worth visiting, as many people have already done during all these days, because they will not find anything like what the neighbours of General Aguilera Street have done”. The result is “so marvellous that even Pedro Almodóvar himself has congratulated the neighbours, who deserve everything for this beautiful tribute to our illustrious filmmaker”, he stressed.

Closing act

The International Film Festival of Calzada de Calatrava closes during the night of this Saturday 17th of August an unforgettable eleventh edition, with the awards ceremony given by both the jury and the public. A gala presented by the comedian and monologuist José Boto, in which there will be many emotions and shows, with the performance of the Fontanar Cultural Association of Calzada de Calatrava. Also on stage will be the artist Anna Dukke and the magician Matute Xen to delight the audience gathered at the Rafael Serrano Cultural Centre.