What is the state of health of migrants people coming to spain? and, when they are here, how the reception conditions influence their health? la salud naufraga is a short documentary about the state of health of migrants who have arrived to our costs. The conclusion is clear: reception in spain makes people ill. The hygienic conditions, the deficient food, the overcrowding, the lack of information...
Producer/Production company: Alba Villén
Duration: 13 minutes
Idiom: Español
Gender: Derechos Humanos
Thematic: Asuntos Sociales, Emigracion/Inmigracion, Mar, Mundo Árabe, Pobreza, Salud, Salud Mental, Solidaridad
Country: España
Date of production: 2021-06-01
Distributor: Mms, Distribución De Cortometrajes - Jesús Soria
Website: https://www.mms-distribuciondecortometrajes.es/catalogo/frontera_sur.asp