the Director Of The Calzada De Calatrava International Film Festival Stresses That It Has Been “a Tenth Edition Out Of Ten”.

The Director Of The Calzada De Calatrava International Film Festival Stresses That It Has Been “a Tenth Edition Out Of Ten”.

José Antonio Valencia stresses that this edition has meant “a very important milestone for Calzada de Calatrava from several points of view”


Calzada de Calatrava, 6 September 2023. The X International Film Festival of Calzada concluded with a great participation of the public both in the different screenings that took place in the Patio San Francisco and in all the parallel activities that have taken place in various spaces of the town. The director of the festival and councillor of Culture of Calzada de Calatrava, José Antonio Valencia, points out that it has been “a tenth edition of ten” and underlines that the celebration of this year’s festival has meant “a very important milestone for Calzada de Calatrava from several points of view”. Valencia specifies and makes a “very positive” balance of the tenth edition of the Calzada de Calatrava International Film Festival.

  • What score do you give to the 10th Calzada Festival?What score does it give?

    What does it give?

“A tenth edition of ten”, but I will lower the grade somewhat… because if there is one thing that characterises me personally it is my constant non-conformity and my continuous self-demand, which leads me to be in continuous observation, analysis and thinking about what and how to do better.

As for the balance, and without going into detail, I have to say that it is very positive overall. While it is true that right now we are in those days of rest after the strenuous work involved in an event of the caliber that the Festival is taking, we will soon get down to work, making a comprehensive assessment and calmly and the vision that gives the past time of what happened this tenth edition, taking note of what we have done well, although surely improvable, and especially what we have not done so well, to draw conclusions and correct it in the future.

  • How do you rate the audience’s response throughout the festival?

  • How do you rate the audience’s response throughout the festival?

I think that without a doubt we can say that it has been the best over these ten years, both in terms of attendance at the screenings of the official competition sections, as well as in the different and very varied proposals of parallel activities that have been programmed, “taking the festival out into the street” much more than ever before, together with the fact that since the pandemic we have recovered that summer cinema flavour by having moved all the screenings to the open air. But this response is not only in the local audience, which always responds in a great way, but also in those who have come to Calzada de Calatrava with the excuse to attend and participate in the Festival, which we see as it is increasing with the passing of the editions.

This is undoubtedly thanks to the quality of the works in competition, the parallel activities programmed, the hospitality of Calatrava, the know-how of our companies and, without a doubt, the work in communication and dissemination that is being done, especially in recent editions. I am convinced that this is the line on which we must continue to work in all areas, in order to continue to grow.

  • What responses and reactions have you received from producers, actresses, actors and personalities from the film sector about this tenth edition?

  • What responses and reactions have you received from producers, actresses, actors and personalities from the film sector about this tenth edition?

The truth is that we are overwhelmed by all the reactions, all the words and demonstrations both public and private that we have received throughout this tenth edition and that we continue to receive today, first as a thank you for the selection and having the opportunity to come and share with us, with other colleagues and what is best for them, with the public, of the projections of their work, live and thus being able to see their reaction in first person; secondly, for everything related to the organisation and holding of the festival itself, which is undoubtedly the result of the work of many people; and lastly, for the treatment received, which we hope will be a differential aspect of our festival as an added value, and which will leave that aftertaste and flavour in their mouths that will make them want to come back and at the same time will be able to generate future synergies that will lead to future collaborations. And all of this, along with many other things, has meant that in this tenth edition we have had all the award winners, both from the jury and from the public, at our closing gala and awards ceremony.

But of all of them, I will certainly keep one of those reactions in which he stated that his time at our festival, and all that it has meant, has given him back the desire to return to making films, after the hard process of years that meant being able to carry out his work, which left him exhausted.

  • What would you highlight from this very special edition of the festival?

  • What would you highlight from this very special edition of the festival?

  • What would you highlight from this very special edition of the festival?

The truth is that I could not highlight anything in particular, but this Tenth Edition of the Calzada de Calatrava International Film Festival, for all that it means to reach a tenth edition of commitment, sacrifice, effort, work, enthusiasm of all those people who over ten years have made it possible, and for the personal satisfaction of having contributed to it by working from the festival, for and by the festival and therefore for and by Calzada de Calatrava.

Everything has been great, from the number of works presented to the competition and those selected, the enormous quality of them, the great variety and quality of the parallel activities programmed, the magnificent response and participation of the public, the influx of teams to present and share live with us and the public the projections of their works and the end of the festival with all the winners present to collect their prizes and the finishing touch with the Tribute to Miguel Rellán.

But if I have to highlight something, I’d like to highlight three things. Firstly, the achievement that for the first time in these ten years all the award winners were present to collect their prizes at the Closing Gala. Secondly, for what is also sentimental and emotional for me personally, the Tribute to Miguel Rellán. And thirdly, I cannot forget the popular initiative of the residents of Calle General Aguilera with this exhibition in homage to Pedro Almodóvar and his filmography.

  • How important is the festival for Calzada de Calatrava?

  • How important is the festival for Calzada de Calatrava?

  • All the festival is a festival of the same importance?

The truth is that, at least from my personal point of view (there may be some who do not see it that way, even so it is totally respectable) I think this is an event, a very important milestone for Calada de Calatrava from several points of view.

If we look at it from a local point of view, if there is something that we try from the organisation, and this is also a personal commitment since I have been in charge of the Festival, it is that all the movement that it generates around it is carried out from the productive and business fabric of Calzada de Calatrava (whenever possible), and therefore is the beneficiary of it either directly or indirectly. Moreover, I am totally convinced that this has led to the creation of alliances that have made local companies become regular sponsors and collaborators of the Festival, with all that this means for us. And not only that, but through them other companies from outside our town, of all sizes, show interest in doing so too.

And from the point of view of Calzada de Calatrava’s outward appearance, I believe that being an event of international character gives it a tremendously important visibility and projection towards the outside world, which is already noticeable in the influx of people to the sessions and parallel activities, who travel not only from the immediate surroundings but also from the medium and even longer distances, with what this means for our business fabric, such as the hotel and catering sectors in particular. This is undoubtedly also influenced by the excellent communication work we are carrying out by establishing synergies not only with the whole sector that participates in the Festival and that visits us, but also with the public that attends and who in turn make us a loudspeaker and a transmission belt to continue making our Festival and therefore Calzada de Calatrava known.


  • How do you appreciate that the festival crosses borders and reaches countries on all continents?

  • What do you think about the fact that the festival crosses borders and reaches countries on all continents?

  • .

Of course in a tremendously positive way. That a town of Ciudad Real, with only 4000 inhabitants, in the interior of La Mancha (the birthplace of the brilliant and masterful Pedro Almodóvar) can be heard all over the world for the organisation of a Film Festival aimed at promoting emerging cinema and young talents, firstly because its filmmakers want to be in our festival is already a milestone; And secondly, the fact that the successes of these young filmmakers can be echoed by both general and specialised media in the world of cinema, puts Calzada de Calatrava on the map and places our Festival within the film sector. Let’s not forget that throughout these 10 years the Festival has received works from more than 70 different countries, a total of more than 600 feature films and more than 5000 short films, which, with the passing of the editions, have not only increased in number with each edition, but, above all, in quality. And I think this speaks very well of how we are working, of how those who visit us feel, and of something very important nowadays, of how we are communicating, especially in recent years.

  • What is your assessment of the recognition and tribute paid to the actor Miguel Rellán?

  • What is your assessment of the recognition and tribute paid to the actor Miguel Rellán?

The truth is that I would not have enough words to express what the Tribute to Miguel Rellán has meant, both on a personal level and on a Festival level, for himself and for what during the previous months and days and above all what surrounded him during those 24 hours.

That someone of Miguel Rellán’s professional trajectory accepted to be our honoured figure in this tenth edition I think it rounds it off, and to be able to hand him the statuette that accredits him was a tremendously special, emotional and endearing moment for me, not only for his professional career, but also for the enormous human quality that he possesses. Miguel Rellán is someone tremendously humble, close, affable and willing to collaborate from the moment I went to propose it to him in person. If we add to this the fact that, due to “coincidences” in the world of cinema and our Festival, he has met good friends and collaborators from the past and in near future projects (we hope that they will come to our Festival), I believe that this has made everything much more special and, of course, what better finishing touch for this tenth edition than this well-deserved tribute?

  • Is there a limit to the festival?

    Does the festival have any limits?

The truth is that I could not say what is the horizon or the limit that the International Film Festival of Calzada de Calatrava can have, but our goal is to continue growing as it has done over these ten years, but yes, with our feet on the ground and being very aware of what it costs to launch an event of these characteristics and scope, from a town of a town in Ciudad Real, in the interior of La Mancha with a population of barely 4000 inhabitants, even though it is the birthplace of the master Pedro Almodóvar.


Take as an example the first edition that started with only 3 people and this last one that we have just finished, in which a total of 65 people have been involved, from the organisation, through the jury to the last technician who has worked; this requires not only economic and material resources, but also human resources. Preparing an event of these characteristics is something big, very big, which requires a lot of time, a lot of effort, and a lot of people involved, especially restless people, who are not satisfied with what has been achieved so far, who do not stop in the face of difficulties but fight to overcome them, putting all their talent, effort, work and imagination into consolidating Calzada de Calatrava as a place of reference on a national and international level for the seventh art and within the festival circuit; people who in one way or another make possible the magnificent continuity of the Calzada de Calatrava Film Festival, without forgetting, of course, all the people who have taken part, some as spectators and others as participants, in these ten editions, thus contributing to its development as an open, multicultural and integrating city.

  • It’s early days yet… but what will the eleventh edition bring?

The truth is that yes, it is still too early to be able to anticipate what the eleventh edition may bring, when we are still almost with the hangover of the emotions of this very special year that has been for us. We have taken a few days off after the hard work, but soon we will get down to work and the first thing we will have to do is to take stock of what has happened this 2023 to see what we have done well, but still can be improved, and of course analyse what we have not done so well or have done badly, draw conclusions from it and correct it for successive editions.

What can be said is that we will continue working with the same or even more enthusiasm than we have been doing so far. And of course in trying to achieve some challenges that we have pending until now and that, if we achieve them, will give a plus to the Festival, but of which I can not yet advance anything, in which we are already moving in the necessary areas and of which we will be informing through the official media of the Festival punctually.

  • What message would you send to all those who aspire to win the awards in the next edition?

  • What message would you send to all those who will aspire to win the next edition?

Let’s not forget that our Festival, like the rest of the festivals in general, whatever their size and entity, is there to give visibility and make these works, which undoubtedly cost so much effort to carry out, reach the public. Without them our existence would be meaningless, and with them we make the world of cinema go round and become much bigger and more pluralistic.


The X Calzada de Calatrava International Film Festival is a reality thanks to the sponsorship of the production company El Deseo, the Government of Castilla-La Mancha, the Diputación de Ciudad Real, the GDR Campo de Calatrava, Parque Cultural Calatrava, European Funds CEE, the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, European Leader Funds, Fundación Impulsa de la JCCM, the Spanish Federation of Popular Universities, Ministry of Agriculture, Vive Calzada – Turismo Calzada de Calatrava, Susano Solution, Mogar Centro de Formación, Terraza Merendero “Slogan”, Desearás Volver – Turismo Calzada de Calatrava, Trofeos Alonso Quijano Distinciones, Grupo DT-LED de Calzada de Calatrava, Grupo Torreblanca, Informancha – Informatuca y Formación, José Ramón Caballero Fotografía, Grupo Aspa, Complejo Rural Volcán Columba, Aspafone Negocios, Caser Seguros and Eventos El Hidalgo 2.0.


Also collaborating are the Asociación de Mujeres Cineastas y de Medios Audiovisuales (CIMA), CMMedia, Plataforma Festhome, Finca “La Rosala”, Hospedería “Los Calatravos”, José Vicente Romero, Plataforma Mobiveta, Pistachos “Queen”, PNR – Plataforma de Nuevos Realizadores, Hostal “Las Palomas” and Mi Escapada Favorita.