

Following a serious accident, david decides to take his best friend javi in and look after him. However, it's not long before the quarrels between the two come up to surface, bringing into the open a poisoned and homicidal relationship, closer to insanity than the friendship they appear to hold. Amigo is a fiction feature film that brings together psychological thriller and black comedy, bordering on the macabre, all in the form of an intimate drama.

Director: Óscar Martín
Producer/Production company: Elena Muñoz
Script: Javier Botet, David Pareja, Óscar Martín
Duration: 83 minutes
Idiom: Español
Gender: Comedia, Drama, Thriller
Thematic: Discapacidad, Humor, Macabro
Country: España
Date of production: 2020-01-09