which Role Do You Want To Play?

Which Role Do You Want To Play?

The night begins for julia with a friend's birthday celebration at a well-known nightclub in the city. But when she meets álex, everything changes.

Director: Álvaro De La Hoz
Producer/Production company: Marta Solano Burbuja Films S.c - Marta Solano
Script: Álvaro De La Hoz
Interpreters: Carlota Trueba, Marcos Vidal, Eva Menéndez, Ana Usamentiaga, José Antonio Sanz, Borja Cámara
Sound: David Ricondo
Photography: Laura Hojas
Editing: Álvaro De La Hoz
Duration: 15 minutes
Content Rating: 12+
Gender: Adolescencia, Derechos Humanos, Drama, Otro
Thematic: Asuntos Sociales, Equidad De Género, Mujer, Violencia
Country: España
Date of production: 2023-06-01
Distributor: Digital 104 Film Distribution - Jonay García