the Wolf

The wolf chases blanquito and his mother in the hope of being rescued by his shepherd. Who can you really trust? is the help free? can we run away from our destiny? "the wolf" is a stop-motion animated short film that aims to delve into these issues.

Director: Jorge Chavero Hidalgo
Producer/Production company: Julia Rebato Focus Films Producciones S.l. - Jorge Chavero
Script: Pablo Ruiz Martin
Interpreters: Mariano García Espada, Valle Hidalgo, Coque Hidalgo
Music: Jorge Chavero Hidalgo
Photography: Julia Rebato Garcia
Production assistant: Jorge Balsalobre
Duration: 5 minutes
Content Rating: 6+
Gender: Cine Negro, Drama, Fantasia, Horror, Psicológico
Thematic: Animales, Campo, Infancia, Naturaleza, Violencia
Country: España
Date of production: 2024-01-09
Distributor: Focus Films Producciones S.l. - Julia Rebato