film Burgers Competition

Film Burgers Competition

The “cinema burgers” contest Al modo – Bar, is an innovative proposal of the hotel and catering establishments themselves for this eleventh edition.
All the people of Calzada and those who visit us will be able to enjoy some delicious home-made hamburgers. In order to give us time to taste all the film burgers in the competition, we have brought it forward and it will start on Friday 19th July. The film burgers will bear the name of a film and their preparation will be in accordance with it.

The public who follow the route and complete the guide that can be collected at the participating establishments or at the Universidad Popular, will act as a jury to choose the best “film burgers” of this first competition and will be eligible to win the prize draw to be held on 16 August at the end of the screening in the Patio de San Francisco, the prize consists of gift tickets worth €200.00 for the first winner and €100.00 for the second winner, which can be consumed in the establishments participating in this first film burgers competition Al modo – Bar.

The guides stamped by each of the establishments, once completed, will be deposited in the ballot boxes provided in the Festival’s screening area.

The draw will be public.