
The night before her wedding maría hears a baby crying at a dead-end street. What happens there nobody knows, nobody sees. Not even god.

Director: Allan J. Arcal
Producer/Production company: José Manuel Arjona Calero
Script: Allan J. Arcal
Interpreters: Lorena Delgado, Javier Death
Sound: David Zaplana
Music: Jesús Calderón
Photography: Esteban Cercelén
Editing: Jorge Ac
Duration: 5 minutes
Content Rating: 12+
Gender: Acción, Catastrófico, Infantil, Crimen, Drama, Fantasia, Cine Negro, Horror, Melodrama, Otro, Psicológico, Reality, Thriller
Thematic: Violencia
Country: España
Date of production: 2023-08-01