

Clara is a self-demanding, perfectionist, nine-year-old girl. Despite her efforts and deprivations, especially from the temptations her friend bea offers continuously, she gets a failing grade in physical education. She has embarked along a path of obsessions and self-deception that will lead her to fall into a bottomless pit. A journey through darkness on which she'll lose everything and the peop...

Director: Juan Carlos Mostaza
Producer/Production company: J.c. Mostaza, Pablo López
Duration: 11 minutes
Idiom: Otro
Gender: Adolescente, Derechos Humanos, Drama, Infantil, Psicológico
Thematic: Asuntos Sociales, Comer/Beber, Educativo, Enfermedad, Escuela, Familia, Infancia, Mujer, Salud Mental
Country: España
Date of production: 2020-01-28
Distributor: Agencia Audiovisual Freak - Mónica Gallego