the Xi International Film Festival Of Calzada De Calatrava Announces The Short And Feature Films Selected For The Final Stage

The Xi International Film Festival Of Calzada De Calatrava Announces The Short And Feature Films Selected For The Final Stage

The Jury chooses for the best score and for the screening on the big screen in Calzada up to 5 feature films and a total of 27 short films in four different categories, after evaluating more than half a thousand cinematographic works submitted to the competition


Calzada de Calatrava, 26 June 2024. The XI Festival Internacional de Cine de Calzada de Calatrava announces the short and feature films selected for the final phase and, therefore, to be screened on the big screen from the 8th to the 17th of August in the town. A selection carried out by the international jury of the festival after an arduous exercise. This work has resulted in the selection of 27 short films in four different categories; specifically, six in Documentary, seven in Made in Castilla-La Mancha, six in Hiparchy and eight others in Fiction Humour, as well as choosing 5 feature films. The scoring scale is the accumulation of evaluations given by each of the members of the jury, which has had to evaluate in this eleventh edition up to 546 candidacies presented to the competition.

In the category Fiction HumourColorado, by Sandra Gallego and Pilar Gómez; Quarantine, by Celia de Molina; Cuentas divinas, by Eulalia Ramón; El desayuno de los funcionarios, by Javier Gómez; The Throne, by Lucía Jiménez; They shall inherit the earth, by Borja Echeverría; The empty pool, by Pablo Conde and Small, by Meka Ribera and Álvaro García Company.

In the sectionHipparchy the following short films have been selected:Before the sun sets, by Nani Matos; Genesis, by Ceres Machado; The Strategists, by Fabricio Centorbi; You’re not crazy, by Maria Bestar; What role do you want to play?, by Álvaro de la Hoz; and 8 February, by Sara Martínez.

In the category Made in Castilla-La ManchaBefore I Die, the Shadow of the Wendigo, by Alvar Vielsa; Evanescent, by Gala Gracia and Guillermo Garavito; A tontas y a locas, by Markel Goikoetxea; Baby, by Allan J. Arcal; The Wolf, by Jorge Chavero; The Peace of the Cemeteries, by Raquel Troyano; and My First Communion, by Ángel Villahermosa;

Documentary, the following short films have been selected: Broken wings, by Jorik Dozy and Sil Van Der Woerd; Demon Box, by Sean Wainsteim; Myopia Essay, by Paula Asprella; I’m sorry too, by Ignacio Marín; Saudade, by Richard Zubelzu and Magda Calabrese; and Schugurensky, self-portrait, by Guillermo García-Ramos.

In terms of feature films, the Jury has selected five works for the final phase and which will therefore compete for the various awards to be presented at the closing ceremony on 17 August. The works are: Del otro lado del jardín (Spain),El fantasma (Chile), by Martín Duplaquet; The Pregnant (Argentina), by Pedro Wallace; Reflections in a room (Spain), by Ceres Machado and Feet in the Sand(Puerto Rico), by Gustavo Ramos.

The mayoress of Calzada de Calatrava, Gema García, and the technical director of the Calzada de Calatrava International Film Festival, Hernán Valdés, have thanked, first of all, “the extraordinary work of all the professionals of the seventh art in each of the more than half a thousand cinematographic works submitted to the competition” and have praised the “effort, sacrifice and dedication involved in developing a script, having a cast of actors and actresses, turning on the camera and finally shooting short and feature films, without forgetting the work of editing or lighting, among many other aspects”.

Gema García acknowledged feeling very “proud” to see “how the festival has become a reference not only for national producers, but also for producers from different countries around the world”. An example of this is “the participation of filmmakers from Europe and Latin America, which, in turn, is a clear sign that our festival crosses borders”.

The mayoress has extended “congratulations to each of the feature films and short films selected for the final phase of the competition” and has predicted an eleventh edition “extraordinary because top level cinematographic works will be projected on the big screen, which will surely dazzle our audience and all the visitors who come to Calzada de Calatrava from 8 to 17 August to experience our festival”. Moreover, Gema García has insisted that “our audience, which has a great rigour, will have a difficult exercise ahead to evaluate each one of the short and feature films, although I am convinced that they will do it again as well as they do year after year”.

For his part, Hernán Valdés added his thanks and stressed that “it is a privilege to have an international jury like the one we have had for this edition, with professionals in different sectors of the film industry” and extended his congratulations to “each of the works selected for the final phase of the competition”. Hernán Valdés stressed that “we will have a great time during the eleventh edition of the festival” and emphasised that “many films could also have been selected, because they deserve it, but it was necessary to make a cut in the number for the smooth running of the festival”.

Both Gema García and Hernán Valdés they have stressed that many of the works to be screened at the 11th Calzada de Calatrava International Film Festival have also won various awards at other national and international festivals, so “this is one of the best editions in living memory”. Specifically, the mayoress of Calzada de Calatrava has stressed that it is a “luxury” for the town and has advanced that “we will announce many new features for this eleventh edition which is just under a month and a half to start”.

It should be noted that producers, actresses, actors and professionals from the world of cinema will be parading down the red carpet of the 11th Calzada de Calatrava International Film Festival during the festival, specifically from the 8th to the 17th of August.


The XI Calzada de Calatrava International Film Festival has the privilege of having a jury of international calibre to select the best feature films and short films to be screened in the town and which will compete for the different awards in each of the existing categories. This body is made up of directors, actresses, actors, producers, directors, directors, music professors, soundtrack creators and experts in the seventh art. In short, the Calzada festival has an enviable cast for the difficult task of choosing the best cinematographic works that will compete in this eleventh edition.

A total of 27 members with the power to choose the feature films and short films, preserving at all times their free critical capacity.

The work of the jury is commendable because they have watched all the works in these last weeks, holding meetings both in person in Calzada de Calatrava, as it was done last weekend, and telematically. Each of them has scored each work based on certain criteria and the average of each evaluation has culminated in the selection of the best works.